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In front of a quiet secluded lake,Michael Kors purses, surrounded by the sound did not connect the dots, under Yu Xie proud eye observation, can find within five meters of empty, there is no World of Warcraft, and that quiet lake calm as a mirror, reflecting the all around, as well as a hint of chill breath comes out. This is the magic secluded lake. Xie Yu pulled out a map to see the proud look. Environment here is a map marked, and there are even special signs. According to the signs, thank Aoyu find annotations on the map below displays the contents of that magic secluded lake depth of thousands of meters above the deepest hidden horror of Warcraft realm is unknown, according to infer the strength in the sky above the level, is what World of Warcraft is also unknown, but secluded lake at the bottom of this magic is about more than one thousand meters where there is the Devil of Hell origin of the gas, very pure kind.

Yu Xie proud map away. Devil of Hell origin of the gas, as long as enough volume, you can let Yu Xie proud fighting force again advanced in itself is twelve times the power, if it can be advanced again, at least to reach ten times the strength. Advanced combat power, Yu Xie proud to speak, that's greatly enhance the combat effectiveness. So proud Yu Xie also thought well, went all the way to the confusion of all, Michael Kors handbags outlet must be properly marked in the map fut coins to find out where to look, and then there is the giant puppet to look.